Blog: pet dental care

dog mouth

What to Do with the Broken Tooth?

In this blog, we will discuss the pathology of the canine tooth, following a traumatic incident and what we should do about it. First, let us say that all mammalian teeth have the same components, though their shape varies widely from between species and their location in the mouth.

Colorful Pet Food

Benefits of a Dental Diet

Do you find it difficult to brush your dog’s teeth on a daily basis? Visit your veterinarian to see if a dental diet is right for your pet.

Rex's Dental Story

Dental Health – A Personal Story

As we cruise into dental awareness month, I would like to share with you a personal story from a client who recently brought their dog in for a dental.

Tips and Tricks to Prevent your puppies from bad breath, and future dental issues

Oral Health Tips & Tricks for Puppies

Puppies are adorable and have a way of quickly becoming a man’s best friend. Their cute face, those puppy eyes and tiny little teeth have a way of making them very forgiving.